When we think of November, things that typically come to mind include fall, turkeys, Thanksgiving, and being thankful. Did you know that November is also National Gratitude Month? While we remember to be thankful, we can also remember to be grateful.
The Importance of Gratitude
Gratitude has amazing benefits for both the mind and body. It is one of the best ways to help ourselves relieve anxiety and stress. According to the Mayo Clinic Health System, “Gratitude can decrease depression, anxiety, difficulties with chronic pain, and risk of disease.” If you struggle with getting enough sleep, being grateful can even help with this. But it goes beyond the simple “Thank you!” when someone does something nice for us. It is a mindset that should be practiced daily like that morning cup of coffee.
How to Get Started
One of the best ways to turn gratefulness into a daily routine is by keeping a journal. The journal doesn’t have to be anything fancy. It can be something as simple as a spiral notebook, as long as you spend time writing in it every day. Each day, write down at least one thing that went well. Maybe all you can muster is one simple sentence or even a word. It doesn’t need to be long at all. As this becomes part of your day, the time spent with the journal may increase. What will happen, is the journal will begin to chronicle your journey. Eventually, you will be able to see patterns and growth, and you may even find posts that provide encouragement for days you may not feel very grateful.
Other Ways to Show Gratitude
Showing gratitude can be as simple as a smile to someone as you walk by, or as big as bringing someone a thank-you gift. It doesn’t have to be difficult or cost a lot of money. The more we show gratitude, the better our lives become. Because of this, we are challenging our readers to a month of gratitude. To assist with this, we have created a calendar with daily suggestions. Here’s to being grateful!